What is the minimum temperature at home for good health and the ideal temperature to avoid spending so much on heating during the winter?

The temperature at home is starting to drop. We can all feel it, in the way we shiver, the number of coffees we have a day and even the way that everyone around us is starting to take out their jumpers and put away their shorts. Come on, it’s normal in winter and we have to get used to it during the season.

However, those who have an air conditioning system at home will know that when the weather gets too hot or too cold, there is a difficult decision to be made: sacrifice comfort at home or the electricity and gas bill. It is no secret that these devices consume a lot of energy, so we have to find a middle ground between using them and saving.

What is the ideal temperature to be at home?

This answer depends a lot on the context: a temperature of 28 degrees is not the same for someone from Chiapas as it is for a native of Nuevo León. For the same reason, before answering, it is essential to take into account the following data: the geographical area, the orientation of the sun in relation to your house, the type of housing, thermal insulation and relative humidity.

Despite this, various specialists in the field, as well as the World Health Organization (WHO), have a clear answer: the ideal temperature for being at home ranges from 18 °C to 24 °C. The WHO itself states that there is no demonstrable risk to the health of sedentary healthy people whose homes maintain this air temperature.

On the other hand, figures from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) show that heating accounts for up to 41% of household energy consumption and increases by 7% for every degree you turn up. Although it is also important to say that it does not specify whether it takes into account the new Inverter AC motors, designed precisely to save energy in the appliances that consume the most electricity.

Despite this, there is some good news: the ideal temperature for humans coincides with the one recommended bymanufacturers so as not to use too much electricity. Specifically, it is suggested to keep the heating between 20 °C and 21 °C. This temperature range allows for a comfortable environment for daily activities without incurring excessive energy expenditure.

Ways to keep the house at a good temperature

It’s not just a question of maintaining a good temperature in your house using complex technological systems; you can also do it using tricks “from your uncles” that help you save, keep stable and not suffer from the cold. Among the best tips for your home are:

  • Use thick curtains: Another way to prevent heat from escaping through the windows is with curtains made of thick fabric, velvet or linen.
  • Use rugs: Rugs are a good way to prevent warm air from escaping from your home.
  • Decorate your home: The more things you have at home, the more likely it is that the heat will be trapped.
  • Seal doors and windows: If there are cracks where air can enter, your house is more likely to get cold.
  • Close off unused rooms: Large spaces are more likely to be cold, so it’s best to create barriers to the air that can enter the home.
  • Take advantage of sunlight: Despite the air, the sun is an excellent source of heat and if the sun shines directly on your house, you can take advantage of every last ray.
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