Goodbye cell phones? Bill Gates’ prediction about their substitutes (and in which he has already invested)

Bill Gates

Bill Gates has backed an innovative technology that could transform the way we interact with the digital world

Technological progress never stops and, with each generation, devices that once seemed indispensable are gradually forgotten. Mobile phones, which have revolutionised modern life, could soon have an unexpected successor. This is the view of Bill Gates, who has already set his sights on an innovation that promises to change the way people communicate and manage their personal information.

Bill Gates

The founder of Microsoft has made an investment in a technology developed by the company Chaotic Moon Studios. These are electronic tattoos which, although initially conceived for medical purposes, have the potential to replace many of the functions of smartphones. Gates’s venture seeks to take advantage of biotechnology to integrate microprocessors into the skin and turn these devices into a more advanced alternative to smartphones.

The so-called “Tech Tats” use special ink that conducts electricity, allowing data to be communicated in real time. These smart tattoos can measure vital signs, alert the wearer to possible health problems and share medical information with specialists. However, future plans include the possibility of sending messages, making calls or carrying out bank transactions, thus replicating the main functions of a mobile phone without the need for a physical device.

Bill Gates has placed his trust in this technology and in its capacity to evolve until it becomes an everyday element. However, its implementation still requires more development, so its popularization is not expected in the short term. Despite this, the advance of electronic tattoos suggests that interaction with the technology of the future could be more integrated than ever into the human body, eliminating the need for external devices.

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