Don’t throw away old towels: the unexpected advice that can help you sleep better at night

old towels

Learn a new trick to decorate armchairs or your living room. What elements you need and how to do it step by step.

Over time, towels wear out and lose their basic drying function. But that doesn’t mean you have to throw them away or tear them up, because a new trick has been discovered to recycle them.

One way to reuse old towels is to turn them into decorative cushions. Not only will you save money on new covers, but you’ll also get a soft bedtime and a new home decoration.

old towels

Materials needed to turn an old towel into a decorative pillow

  • Old towels.
  • Pillow filling (foam or cotton).
  • Material scissors.
  • Thread and needles or sewing machine.
  • Pins.
  • Ruler.
  • Clasp.

Step by step how to turn old towels into cushions

old towels

  1. Measure and cut out the sizes of the cushions according to your taste.
  2. Place the two pieces of towel on top of each other, right side up, pin them together with pins to stop them moving when sewing and leave one side open.
  3. Stuff the pillow filling through the opening of the cover until it is the shape you like.
  4. Sew a zipper into the opening to prevent the filling from slipping out.
  5. Another option is to close the opening with small, strong seams.
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