If you have olive oil at home, don’t throw it away, you have a treasure: these are its uses beyond the kitchen

olive oil at home

Olive oil is the strawberry’s cousin with money and the last of the usual oils and butters on the iPhone. By definition, we can say that olive oil is a vegetable oil obtained by cold extraction from olives, the fruit of the olive tree. This is because almost a third of the flesh of these fruits is oil.

It is very often seen or even used in health foods or haute cuisine. In fact, its use is broader, and we can use it in common dishes such as tacos dorados or in the frying of brisket, albeit with certain limitations. Because of its properties, it also has other uses at home.

What are the uses of olive oil?

olive oil at home
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The production of olive oil starts with the harvesting of the olives; it continues with the selection of the olives in the oil mills, where damaged fruit is separated from ripe fruit; then cleaning and washing to remove dust, leaves or stones; followed by milling, i.e. This is followed by beating, which produces a paste; then centrifugation, which separates the paste from the oil, water and pomace; finally, once these elements have been separated, each product is packaged and labelled.

This production process makes olive oil rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins such as E, making it a multifunctional product. Since ancient times, it has been used not only for food, but also for beauty, medicine and even tools. Today, science has refuted and confirmed many of these uses, even discovering applications such as

olive oil at home

  • As in ancient times, olive oil can restore the shine of metal objects such as cutlery or jewellery.
  • Wooden kitchen utensils such as spoons or chopping boards can dry out and crack over time, but rubbing them with olive oil will help to retain their moisture and prolong their life.
  • Pouring a little olive oil on squeaky furniture and hinges will temporarily lubricate them to stop them squeaking.
  • Helps you maintain your clothes: Olive oil is recommended for the care, treatment and handling of leather or fur products. Simply apply it directly to the item, preferably with a soft cloth, and your garments will regain their original elasticity and shine.
  • Pet care: due to the properties of olive oil, it can be useful for improving the condition of your pet’s skin and coat. However, you should consult your veterinarian before deciding how much oil to mix with your pet’s food.
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