“I’ve never seen this in my entire professional life”: a user despairs at not being able to remove the LAN cable from his laptop

After having used an Ethernet cable on his laptop, the user posted on Reddit that he had no choice but to nip it in the bud.

Sometimes there are tasks that seem very simple to us and then suddenly they become a completely unexpected problem. That is precisely what happened to this Reddit user, who asked for help when he saw that the task of disconnecting his RJ45 network cable was more complicated than he expected.

As he says in the post, he couldn’t remove the RJ45 connector from his laptop. Things got so bad that he had to take the plunge and literally cut it. While usually very easy to remove the LAN cable, this example shows that we are never risk-free.

A problem that got too complicated

According to his account, the user was in the library and decided to connect his computer to the network using an Ethernet cable, as the Wi-Fi connection was too slow. However, when trying to leave as the library was about to close, he discovered that the connector was firmly stuck. In a moment of panic, and without finding another quick solution, he opted to cut the cable.

Far from solving the problem, this only made it worse. Subsequent failed attempts to remove the connector led to visible damage to the casing of his ThinkPad T480, probably caused by the use of inappropriate tools, such as a screwdriver. “I have never seen this in my entire professional life,” said an author from the GameStar website.

In an attempt to clarify the details, a user contacted the affected party to find out what tools he used and how he managed to cut the cable inside a library. However, he has not received a response yet.

Despite the unusual nature of the story, everything indicates that the incident is real. The Reddit user has had an active account for four years and his activity in other forums suggests that this is not a joke. In addition, he confirmed that he had assumed the cost of the damage caused to the library. However, the problem persists: the connector is still stuck in the LAN port of his laptop.

Possible solutions

Given that the LAN port is soldered to the motherboard, opening the device will not solve the problem. Furthermore, considering the previous failed attempts, it seems unlikely that the user has the technical knowledge necessary to replace the part. The best solution would be for a technician to open the computer, desolder the Ethernet port and put another one in the computer, but it seems that this is an option that the user will not want to resort to.

On the other hand, the simplest solution would be to leave the LAN port unusable and resort to a USB to Ethernet adapter, a practical and risk-free alternative. However, if the user wants to remove the connector at all costs, there are riskier methods:

  1. Carefully drill through the retaining tab with a small drill bit.
  2. Screw a small screw into the connector, without damaging the internal components.
  3. Use pliers to pull the screw and remove the connector.

This procedure carries significant risks and should only be performed by someone with experience in electronic repairs.

Сompass life hack 😉