More than 40 years ago, Steve Jobs explained the difference between the most successful people. And he demonstrated how to master the skill

Steve Jobs prided himself on thinking and being different and in 1982 he provided the key to achieving it

Of all the leadership lessons of Steve Jobs, one stands out in particular: differentiation. The co-founder of Apple took being different to the rest very seriously. So much so that the famous Think Different campaign that he narrated himself in a historic advertisement in 1997 has gone down in history and ended up serving as the company’s slogan until 2002.

Steve Jobs, beyond flying the flag of being different, also gave advice on how to achieve differentiation. It was in 1982, with the aim of distinguishing genuinely intelligent people from the rest, and he did so in the context of the Golden Plate, an award given to him by the Academy of Achievement that year.

“Have you ever thought about what it means to be intelligent?”

The list of awards presented by the American Academy of Achievement is very long. They are given to those who, as indicated by the academy itself, have achieved exceptional things in different fields such as science, business, the arts or public service. Steve Jobs was one of them 43 years ago.

The man who was also the founder of NeXT and a fundamental part of the birth of Pixar, took advantage of this recognition to give a speech in which he highlighted something very relevant in both the professional and personal spheres. Yes, being different.

Steve Jobs asked the audience if they had ever stopped to think about what it meant to be intelligent. “Surely many of you have thought about it, right?” the Apple co-founder continued, going on to say that “maybe you know some dumb friends and you think you’re smarter, so you wonder what the difference is.”

After this introduction, Steve Jobs gave the key to being different: doing different things. It is something that seems obvious, but that is perhaps not so easy to achieve and we often do not know how we can do it. To do this, Jobs says that it is essential “not to have the same experiences as others”, since in that case “the same connections will be established” and these differences will be cancelled out.

Get out of the routine and have different experiences

In line with the idea of having different experiences in order to be really different from the rest, Steve Jobs is credited with several leadership lessons summarized in four phrases that define very well how to take part in differentiation, following that idea of each one having their own experiences.

“I will take responsibility for being stuck in a rut.”

Some say, and Steve Jobs was one of them, that the only person responsible for being stuck in a rut is oneself. It is not a boss who forces us to always do the same thing, nor is it the vital dependence on a salary. In the end, those who really want to change make decisions. A change of job, a move, a break with friends or a partner if they bring nothing positive to the relationship…

“I will recognize the pattern I am in”.

Just like when you have an addiction, the first step in fighting it is to recognize it. It is exactly the same as what is suggested for changing habits and routines. You have to be aware that you are stuck in a routine that does not make you happy.

“I will commit to the idea of challenge”.

Something that usually happens when we are stuck in a rut is that it is largely due to the fear of leaving our comfort zone. We continue with the same patterns, even if they are tiresome and unstimulating. Hence, it is advisable to take into account all the implications of a change and, if the risks are objectively acceptable, to accept it.

“I’m going to leave”.

Writing down what you want to change and where you want to go, whether literally or metaphorically, is supported by several studies. It has been revealed that transferring these desires into words, whether on paper or in a digital note, makes it more likely that you will be successful in your decision to change. And, of course, be clear that it is something you are going to do.

Obviously each case is very particular and at certain levels, changing the course of our professional career may not be easy. However, as Steve Jobs pointed out, there are many paths that can be taken to achieve it, without implying that it is easy or even quick.

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