Neither rags nor wipes: the cheap tool for effortless window cleaning

Discover the cheap and effective method that will transform the way you clean your windows

Keeping the window panes in our homes sparkling clean can be a challenging task. Water marks, fingerprints and dust accumulate quickly, and traditional methods using cloths and dusters often fail to produce the desired results.However, there is a simple and cheap method that has been used for decades: newspaper.

Why newspaper?

Newspaper has unique properties that make it ideal for cleaning windows:

  • Efficient absorption: Its texture allows it to effectively absorb excess liquid, avoiding annoying water marks.
  • Lint-free: Unlike some cloths, newspaper does not shed fibers, guaranteeing a spotless finish.
  • Economical and accessible: It is a tool that we all have within reach, reusing materials and contributing to recycling.

How to clean your windows with newspaper

If you want to enjoy sparkling windows without complications, follow this simple process that combines effectiveness and economy.

1. Prepare the cleaning solution:

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Vinegar is known for its degreasing and disinfecting properties.

2. Apply the solution:

Spray the mixture on the surface of the glass, making sure to cover all areas.

3. Rub with newspaper:

Take a sheet of newspaper, wrinkle it and rub the glass in a circular motion. The ink and the texture of the paper will help to remove dirt and stains.

4. Dry and shine:

Use another dry sheet of newspaper to go over the glass, removing any residue and adding extra shine.

Modern alternatives: window cleaning gadgets

While newspaper paper is effective, technology has introduced tools that make cleaning windows even easier. For example, the telescopic handle window cleaner has gained popularity for its practical and efficient design. This device has microfiber cloths and a silicone squeegee that remove water marks without damaging the surface. In addition, its extendable handle allows you to reach tall windows without the need for ladders, and is also useful for cleaning mirrors, bathroom doors and car windows.

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