Neither with a cloth nor with its fat: the experts’ secret to preserving ham well

Hams are one of America’s most valuable gastronomic treasures , but preserving them can be difficult, especially if you have a leg at home. To do so, you need to follow the advice of ham artisans who know the secret to preserving this product in optimal conditions. Thanks to their methods, this classic Spanish dish retains the qualities that have made it a world-famous delicacy.

Without a doubt, jamón is one of the most useful Christmas gifts. A good ally that will look winning on any table. What is the best way to eat it? As an appetizer , there is nothing better than a good plate of perfectly sliced ham. Other days it comes in handy for a quick dinner or lunch. But the problem arises when there is enough ham and it takes too much time, and no matter how much we eat, we can’t finish it. Then we need to preserve it as best as possible so it doesn’t rot or get stale. This can usually be done with a little fat or cloth, but the experts know exactly how to get the best results…

Not with grease or tissue

There are many traditional ways to preserve one of the most valuable treasures of our gastronomy– ham. This delicacy, which occupies a privileged place in our kitchens, deserves special attention to preserve its qualities.

Proper preservation of ham is essential to preserve its flavor and texture, especially during the Christmas holidayswhen it is consumed in large quantities. Preserving this product in optimal conditions not only ensures its longevity, but also ensures that it can reach its full gastronomic potential.

By following the methods of experts in this field, we can significantly extend the shelf life of ham. These canning methods, inherited from tradition and honed by time, allow us to preserve the qualities that make this product an indispensable element of any feast.

How to preserve ham to keep it longer

How to cover a ham to preserve it for as long as possible is a simple plastic wrap, which turns out to be very useful for preserving ham in our kitchen at room temperature and without anything else.

It is the fact that the oxygen is not so much affected by the ham that will allow it to be preserved a little longer. Another little trick is that we can coat the foil with the ham’s own fat, and then the ham will always be in perfect condition.

If we choose a packaged ham, its qualities will be preserved much longer. This is what is written in the blog cárnicas zurita: “One of the main advantages of vacuum packed ham is its long shelf life, which is very important for lovers of this product who want it to be in the best condition. However, the answer to the average shelf life of vacuum-packed ham depends on a number of factors, including storage conditions and the curing process.

Vacuum-packed ham is a great choice for those who want to extend the shelf life of this delicious product. Thanks to vacuum packaging technology, vacuum packed ham can retain its quality and flavor for a long time. As a rule, vacuum packed ham can be stored from 3 to 6 months without opening, preserving all its qualities, but this period may vary depending on the storage conditions and the shelf life declared by the manufacturer. Vacuum packaging removes oxygen from the ham environment, which is one of the main catalysts of decomposition and spoilage of products, and significantly slows down the processes of oxidation and reproduction of microorganisms, which allows to preserve the quality and flavor of the ham for a longer period of time”.

Further in the same explanation: “After opening the ham should be consumed within a short period of time, and to preserve its freshness and flavor it is recommended to consume it within 2-4 weeks. Therefore, the ham should be wrapped in foil or stored in an airtight container and returned to the refrigerator, avoiding direct contact with air to prevent mold growth in vacuum packaging.”

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