The place in the house where you should never put your television because it could start a fire
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The three household appliances that I should unplug to avoid an increase in energy consumption
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Laundry Tips
You probably don’t wash your towels often enough, and there’s a reason why you should start doing it
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Cleaning Hacks
I started with this trick to keep my house tidy. What I didn’t know is that it would also skyrocket my productivity
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Shakira and Gerard Piqué more united than ever after the singer’s admission: the WhatsApp messages they send each other
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The unprecedented adjective with which Lady Di defined Camilla Parker after learning of her affair with Charles III
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Cleaning Hacks
Goodbye dirt and rust: the simple trick to clean silver bracelets and leave them gleaming
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Is Your Smart TV’s USB Port a Secret Weapon? 5 Ways to Maximize It
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The household appliance that you should always unplug after use to prevent house fires
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Handy Tips
Stick it to the sole. You will forget about slipping. A brilliant winter patent.
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