Chinese submarines are veritable cages of crickets: a new generation promises to change the rules of the game
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Those spots in your eye when you look at a light background are not bugs: they are shadows and destroying them is worse than ignoring them
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He hasn’t created a superhero, but radiation has given healing powers to the most unexpected material: concrete.
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Researchers have analyzed the impact of sugary drinks on global health. They have been left utterly shocked
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USB-C cable
Buying a USB-C cable: 9 things to bear in mind
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After almost a decade with the Apple Watch, I’ve switched to a Garmin. And I’ve realized what I was missing
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‘Gambling Man’ is the portrait of a man capable of betting billions after a 12-minute conversation. And losing.
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This is what you should do if your data is leaked due to a cyberattack against a company of which you are a customer
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highest penthouse
The world’s highest penthouse, for sale: 1,950 square meters at a height of 400 meters in the Burj Khalifa skyscraper
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diesel car
Do you have a diesel car? You should know this about the particle filter to avoid breakdowns and problems at the ITV (vehicle inspection center)
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