This battery lasts 5,700 years without recharging: the first UK-made carbon-14 battery
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specialist in cyber-scams
A specialist in cyber-scams warns of the rise of cloning scams: just 4 seconds of your voice is enough
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automatic or a manual car
Which lasts longer: an automatic or a manual car? Which is more reliable and why?
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clean plastic bottles
Kitchen Tricks
How to properly clean plastic bottles to avoid disease
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In 1980, Bill Gates gave up 8.75% of Microsoft to sign his friend: today Steve Ballmer is richer than Gates
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a close up of an orange
Handy Tips
What is mold, why does it appear and what happens if I eat fruit or vegetables that have it?
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The owner of a Tesla Model Y has fitted solar panels on the roof to charge the car for “up to 100 km”. Not a good idea
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Handy Tips
A scientist claims that humans are rapidly approaching singularity and immortality thanks to nanorobot technology
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left not a penny
Of his $10 billion fortune, Steve Jobs left not a penny as an inheritance to three of his children. Elon Musk and Bill Gates are following in his footsteps
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cleaning tips
Cleaning Hacks
The 5 cleaning tips my mother gave me make me the best guest wherever I go
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