Remove ice effortlessly; discover the trick to keeping your refrigerator spotlessly clean.

Taking care of your home also means paying attention to small details such as refrigerator maintenance. Maintaining your home is a fundamental task in guaranteeing a clean and functional environment. Within this care, the refrigerator is one of the most used household appliances and in many cases the accumulation of ice in the refrigerator can become a problem. Although the most common solution is to completely defrost the refrigerator, there are practical methods to remove the ice without turning off the refrigerator.

Although a thin layer of frost is normal on some models, excess frost reduces the efficiency of the appliance, increases energy consumption and can affect food preservation. That’s why a young man on TikTok shared an ingenious method to avoid this problem, and his trick went viral.

Via his account @akdmico22, this user revealed a quick and simple technique using a potato. In his video, titled “Potato Defrost”, the young man explains that the potato acts as a moisture absorber, reducing the amount of ice in the refrigerator. To put it into practice, you only need a few things that can be found in any kitchen:

  • A potato
  • Water
  • A knife
  • A fork

To apply the trick, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the potato thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove any remaining dirt.
  2. Peel it in half, leaving part of the peel intact.
  3. Make a V-shaped cut in the peeled part.
  4. Stick the fork into the potato, making sure the handle is on the skin side.
  5. Place the potato and fork in the freezer, making sure the handle of the fork touches one of the walls of the freezer.
  6. Wait a moment until the potato has absorbed the moisture from the freezer.
  7. Wipe away the remaining ice with a dry cloth and check the result.

Why does this trick work?

Potatoes contain starch, a component that absorbs moisture from the environment. When they are placed in the freezer, this helps to reduce condensation and prevents thick layers of ice from forming on the walls. In addition, the metal fork helps to make the process more efficient because it conducts the cold and distributes the temperature better.

The video shared by @akdmico22 has garnered thousands of views and comments from users who are amazed at how effective the method is. Many say they have tried the technique and that it really works, while others wonder how it is possible that no one has thought of this before.

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