A collapsed network affects the quality of the Internet connection and can even make it impossible to access it.
In an increasingly digitalized world, where people depend on technology to carry out their daily activities, having a good Internet connection and speed up the Wi-Fi has become essential for interacting with devices such as mobile phones, computers and tablets. Not only is the lack of a signal frustrating, but it can also have a direct impact on productivity, causing delays in the completion of various tasks.
In view of this growing need, Wi-Fi routers have become a common feature in most homes, businesses and even public spaces, in order to offer constant internet access and meet the demands of users, who need to be connected at all times to communicate and access important information.
Faced with this situation, many internet users believe that purchasing more expensive plans or increasing the data capacity of the service will solve the problem of their network speed. However, this is not always the solution. In many cases, the key to improving the connection is closer than you might think, and in a matter of minutes you can see significant improvements with small adjustments.
This means that it is not always necessary to invest large sums of money to achieve smoother browsing, since there are simple and effective tricks that, without much effort, can make a big difference.
A simple trick to improve your internet connection instantly
One of the most common mistakes made by users of mobile phones is to open multiple applications at the same time, even when they are not being used. Although it may seem a minor detail, many of these apps remain active in the background, consuming both memory and processor resources, which ends up affecting the speed of the network.
It is important to note that this not only happens when connected to a Wi-Fi network, but also when using mobile data. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of which applications are operating or performing automatic updates, in order to adjust them from the settings and prevent them from slowing down the network or causing other inconveniences on the device.
According to the portal Adsl Zone, the correct way to manage this problem is to go to “Settings” > “Applications”, and then select the “See all” option. The process may vary depending on the model and operating system of each phone.
Other tips for optimizing the Wi-Fi signal
There are various alternatives that can complement and further improve the Wi-Fi signal, allowing it to reach every corner of the house. One of them is to change the location of the router. According to experts, it is not recommended to place the device in closed spaces, such as cupboards or drawers, or on the floor. It is best to place it in a central location in the house and on a high shelf, which favors a better distribution of the signal.
In addition, Wi-Fi networks with weak or open passwords are often targeted by people trying to connect without authorization. This can overload the network, reducing connection speed and stability. Protecting the network with a strong password limits the number of users who can access it, improving performance for the devices that really need it.
Following recommended practices and using reliable security protocols helps keep the connection secure, private and efficient. Online security starts with simple steps, and setting a strong password is one of the most fundamental.